Friday, May 3, 2024
Latest Revelations Over Clinton Emails Suggest a Blithely Corrupt Secretary of State

WASHINGTON, D.C. Aug. 23 (DPI) – Confirming what many suspected, emails reveal that Hillary Clinton routinely used her family’s charitable foundation to sell access to her office as Secretary of State, a bald and unprecedented form of cabinet-level corruption that would, in normal times, impact the November election, much less get her indicted.

Major news sites parsed the latest: Emails reveal that Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin scheduled meetings between Secretary Clinton and donors to her Clinton Foundation, with access based often on the amounts donated.  The arrangement was carried out with such regularity that it suggested Mrs. Clinton had no qualms about it.

Nevertheless, thousands of readers – on news sites across the internet – reacted largely along partisan lines, suggesting that voters have already made up their minds. Under normal circumstances, Mrs. Clinton’s opponent might benefit from the revelations. But Donald Trump, whose political and strategic missteps have alienated independent voters, may not improve his standing.

Moreover, The New York Times comment board’s most popular comment suggested that Clinton’s email scandal has been advanced by political opponents and men who don’t like her:

The triple standard continues – woman, a Clinton, and Democrat. Whitewater, a half-dozen conspiracy theories, Benghazi, and now “the emails”. All of these have produced nothing other than a normal human being with a long track record of excellent service who has made a few errors and has a few flaws. Bernie Sanders had a lot of things right, including letting the spinning of the emails fall by the wayside. If this was a man, not a Clinton, and not a Democrat this wouldn’t even be news. For example, Trump. The man has spent his entire career, womanizing, ripping people off, confabulating, lying, overtly cheating others and discriminating against minorities. He gets a pass on it. I recall, sadly, how Martha Stewart, another powerfully bright woman had to take the fall for insider trading while the boys all went free. It never stops.

The third “best liked” comment on suggests that Clinton’s ongoing email problems are no big deal:

Yawn. They will go through 15,000 emails, come up with three or four that may be interesting and try to make it seem like they have broken the next Watergate. The FBI had these documents before they declined to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton. Nothing in this story differs from things that take place daily all across government and corporate America.




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