Saturday, May 4, 2024
With More Revelations of His Business Practices, Trump May Not Secure Nomination

NEW YORK, NY June 29 (DPI) – The more voters learn about Donald Trump’s business practices, the less likely they are to vote for him, the latest wave of media reports suggests. And if Trump’s credibility keeps eroding he may not secure the nomination at the Republican convention in Cleveland July 18-21.

This week’s steady stream of press reports – The New York Times revealed more unseemly, and likely fraudulent, business practices by Trump – only reinforced the long held but now growing view that Trump is hardly an accomplished businessman, but rather a charlatan.

The Washington Post reported this week that Trump over the years has pledged millions to charities, when in fact the actual amount donated was either nonexistent or a fraction of what he promised. The most popular comment attached to that report:

He doesn’t give anything to charity for the same reason he sets up these scams (trump university, trump vitamin pyramid scheme) – he has a cash flow problem.
If I “own” a million dollar house and owe a million dollar mortgage, I’m not a millionaire.
We know he’s lied about giving to charity (didn’t give to the vets). He lied when he said he would finance his own campaign. He can’t afford $1 billion, or even $500 million and has only about $300 million in liquid assets.
And this excellent reporting showed he’s lied for years about giving proceeds of his cheapskate ventures (vodka, books) to charity. Which is also fraud.

Meanwhile, former treasury secretary Henry Paulson, a Republican, called a Trump presidency “unthinkable”and vowed to vote for Hillary Clinton in a Washington Post op-ed.  Paulson’s column generated more than 2,600 reader comments, many of them giving grudging credit to George W. Bush’s treasury chief – who of course is something of a lightning rod himself for having pushed through the financial bailout in the fall 2008.

The “most liked” comments:

Wow. What impressed me was his not only saying he won’t back Trump but he IS supporting Clinton. Brave dude. Other Reps have no backbone, Ryan, McCain, McConnell, etc. All about themselves.

Thank you. After Ryan supported Trump, I changed parties. Understand that there are a few republicans who place country above party (Doug Elmets, a Reagan republican is organizing republicans for Hillary,) but too many more are supporting Trump. It was difficult to change parties, but think Hillary Clinton will be a good president.



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