Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Report on North Korean Intrigue Suggests Regime’s Control May Be Weakening

NEW YORK, NY Mar. 14 (DPI) – An unusually detailed and illuminating report on the 2013 execution of Kim Jong-un’s reform-minded uncle suggests that the North Korean regime is weakening – at least in the control and flow of information about the regime itself.

The report by Choe Sang-Hun in The New York Times yesterday – based largely on a recently published book – provided dramatic background on the death of Jang Song-thaek, who was widely considered the second most powerful person in the country when he was executed in December 2013.  The amount of background and detail in the book, “Son-in-Law of a Theocracy,” by Ra Jong-yil, a former deputy director of the National Intelligence Service,  suggests there are a growing number of sources within the North Korean regime.

Since Kim Jong-un’s purge and execution of his uncle, the totalitarian regime has engaged in more and more belligerent behavior, shooting rockets and conducting nuclear explosions, unnerving most of the civilized world, including North Korean primary patron, China.




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