Sunday, May 5, 2024
9/11 Redux: Hitting Soft Urban Targets, Terrorists Achieve Maximum Impact

WASHINGTON, D.C. Nov. 17 (DPI) – To many Americans the terrorist attacks in Paris that left 129 innocent people dead felt as jarring and frightening as 9/11:  Social media transmitted Friday’s events close to real time, sowing a sense of chaos and vulnerability, even on other continents.

Reader comments attached to major US media outlets reflected fear and sadness – and finally a sense of resolve. The subsequent issues – France’s response, the political impact in the US and in Western Europe, the immediate debate over admitting Syrian refugees, even the impact on the far-off 2016 election — have all captivated the internet.

Most of all, though, comment boards of western media, occupied by free people writing (usually) of their own volition, have conveyed a high level awareness and steadfastness. On many occasions their remarks eclipse the work of experts theorizing and speculating on recent events.

Take, for example, the reaction to an op-ed on today’s NYT site. Two foreign affairs experts offered up a jejune follow-up – “Could Paris Happen Here?” – suggesting that the national-security spending in recent years has  made the US less vulnerable to terrorism.

Readers, citing the recent record of mass shootings, scoffed with near unanimity. The top five reader comments:

The US does not have “citizens happy to massacre their compatriots”? What about Newtown, Charleston, Aurora, down through Oklahoma City? Blinders on, it seems.

Why is it that we have this feel of “its safer here”, when there are daily shootings of Americans, by other Americans, amounting to more than 18,000 a year ? Aren’t these victims just as dead as if they were shot my terrorists? Isn’t the NRA and her propaganda the easiest way to hurt our country? ISIS has an ally on these shores already. Its the NRA

It already happens here. Think of all the school shootings, shop shootings, wherever anyone can aim a gun. To distinguish between deaths of the innocent based on who kills them seems a bit pedantic. Sandy Hook was a homegrown tragedy. No one had to cross a border, be on a bad guy list, just buy some guns legally and decide where to aim.

What a relief to know that our elementary schools, movie theatres, office buildings, and churches are relatively safe from fanatical, monstrous attackers. Oh wait…

This an irresponsible article. What is the difference between the recent mass shootings in the US and the carnage in Paris? Is not the common denominator, the mindless massacre of innocent life?



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