Friday, May 3, 2024
Nearly 10,000 Comments Mock GOP for Its Carson-Trump Problem

WASHINGTON, D.C. Nov. 13 (DPI) – The Washington Post finally reported on what millions of Americans have long been thinking: Can Republicans realistically expect to field a presidential winner with either Ben Carson or Donald Trump at the top of the ticket?

The Post reported that old guard Republicans are “panicked” about the prospect of either winning the nomination, and they are seriously looking at recruiting 2012 nominee Mitt Romney.

Party leaders and donors fear that nominating either man would have negative ramifications for the GOP ticket up and down the ballot, virtually ensuring a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidency and increasing the odds that the Senate falls into Democratic hands.

Most striking, though, were the nearly 10,000 un-moderated and unfiltered comments that accompanied the report: Readers by and large snickered at the Republicans for creating the situation they’re in, for in effect reaping what they sowed. Most popular comments confirmed it:

Trump/Carson 2016!  Republicans have been nurturing the nutjob branch of their party for years, and it has finally bit them in the butt. The RNC trying to figure out how to do in the choice of their own voters? Hilarious.
Or in this case, Hillary-ous. Hello, Madame President…

You reap what you sow, GOP. Anti-intellectualism has gone so far that now your voting base has removed their minds from the equation entirely. It’s all about stubborn gut feelings now, and it’s been a long time coming. You say you like people that tell it like it is? Well, here it is.

Yo, GOP…  First, you have preached the anti-government message since Reagan so don’t act all surprised that a lot of the folks you have been preaching to actually believed you…  Second, in 2010 you invited these people into your tent and now that they have stunk it up doesn’t let you off the hook…  Third, if this country goes down, it will be on you…  This is your mess to clean up…

The GOP has been assembling and inciting their fearful, hate-filled mob of a base for years and they’ve lost control of it. Serves them right for their unpatriotic attempts to divide the nation for their own benefit, and, most of all, profit.


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