Thursday, May 2, 2024
Trump and His Insults Have a Following, To Dismay of GOP – And Most Readers

WASHINGTON, D.C.  July 20 (DPI) – The “circus clown” performance of Donald Trump reached a new low this weekend as the billionaire celebrity disparaged John McCain’s war service, a shocking escalation of insults that left readers wondering how the television personality could still have any kind of popular following.

In fact, various polls suggest that Trump still has support among conservative voters, more confirmation that Washington’s impasse-ridden political class – of which McCain is long a member – may have lost more of the electorate than it realizes.

Trump told an audience over the weekend that McCain was “not a war hero” for enduring 5 1/2 years of brutal treatment as a POW of the North Vietnamese. McCain was shot down over Hanoi in October 1967, sustaining grave injuries and, in the ensuing years, torture at the hands of his captors.  As the son of a prominent US Navy admiral, McCain was offered a special release by his captors, and McCain refused.

Meanwhile, Trump was attending the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.  College-era peers of Trump told DPI that Trump was something of a party hound who had business cards made up indicating that he owned a modeling agency, and he handed the cards out to women while hanging out at Smokey Joe’s Bar in West Philadelphia.

Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer called Trump a “circus clown” for his remarks, including his comments that Mexican immigrants were “rapists.”

Readers across the internet expressed dismay over Trump’s comments about McCain. More than 4,000 reader comments were attached to the following:




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