Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Rolling Stone Writer Apologizes to Everyone But Falsely Accused; Readers Gasp

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA April 6 (DPI) – Rolling Stone Magazine writer Sabrina Rubin Erdely yesterday issued her first public comments since it was revealed that her tale of a 2012 gang rape at the University of Virginia wasn’t true. And readers on news comment boards noted the obvious: That the writer, whose 9,000-word article was based a single anonymous source, didn’t bother apologizing to the UVA fraternity or its members, whom she defamed.

And more than a few readers, too, noticed the fact that the magazine said yesterday it had no plans to fire Erdely.

These most recent statements – following the release of an exhaustive report on the story by the head of the Columbia Journalism School– suggest that Erdely and some of her editors didn’t seem to care that the gang rape never happened. Even other journalists expressed dismay.

But reader comments focused on Erdely and the glaring omission in her apology. Most recommended on today:

Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s apology leaves out the primary target of her story – the fraternity: “I want to offer my deepest apologies: to Rolling Stone’s readers, to my Rolling Stone editors and colleagues, to the U.V.A. community, and to any victims of sexual assault who may feel fearful as a result of my article.”  I thought the report would identify “Jackie”. Amazing how somebody can get away with a complete fabrication like this and maintain her anonymity.

This apology is a disingenuous lie. They wee “too deferential to their rape victim?” Rape is a crime. it must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Nothing, repeat, nothing, was proved, except that she is a liar. Their was no crime, no rape, no victim. The Rolling Stone continues to perpetuate this lie through its continuesd unethical reporting of pretending their was a crime Rolling Stone needs to stop lying and apologize to the fraternity and each of its members.

Did I miss it or was there no apology forthcoming to the fraternity?


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