Sunday, May 5, 2024
Without Quick Explanation for Plane Crash, Readers Offer Often Intelligent Speculation

NEW YORK, N.Y. March 25 (DPI) – A New York Times comment board reflected the best in largely anonymous reader posts, a remarkable show of sensitivity following the crash Monday of a Germanwings Airlines Airbus A320, which killed all 150 aboard.

Since the cause of the crash was not immediately known, readers filled boards with often intelligent remarks, which included some calls for reform in the way data is saved from in-air commercial flights. Airlines worldwide are still not required to stream real-time flight data to secure data sites; instead they continue to rely on flight data recorders known as “black boxes” located in the tail of the jet. One or both the so-called black boxes had been recovered from the crash site in the French Alps as of  Wednesday, but authorities have not said how much if any flight data has been recovered from the boxes, which were heavily damaged.

Highest recommended reader posts as of 4pm Wednesday:

I know hundreds of other folks will ask the same question, but I’ll put it out here anyway: Just how many aircraft disasters is it going to take before the airline industry joins the digital age and transmits all flight data electronically and stores it in a safe, secure location, instead of a little black box that goes down with the aircraft?

With the mechanical redundancy in aircraft today, why isn’t there such with flight data? How many more horrific airline catastrophes must occur before there are changes? Meanwhile our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those lost, most whose bodies will never, ever be recovered there on the slopes of the French Alps.

Why is it that people’s naked pictures end up in the cloud, and crucial flight data don’t? How complicated can it be to implement that?

And a typical post:

Silence on something like this is always disturbing. It can mean so many things. Let’s hope that they find the other black box and it has enough data to provide some answers. In the meantime, the families of those who were killed need our sympathy and support.


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