Sunday, May 19, 2024
Assault Weapons Prohibited in California, But Talk of More Gun Laws Rules Airwaves

WASHINGTON, D.C. Dec. 3 (DPI) – The automatic weapons that a Muslim couple used to kill 14 people at a holiday party in Southern California yesterday are banned by state law, but the airwaves and comment boards post-shooting were clogged with reflexive calls for more gun restrictions.

At the same time, the broad real-time reaction to the incident at a San Bernardino social services center shifted after the shooters were identified.   Throughout much of the early hours talk centered on the sheer number of mass shootings in the US today, with the now-customary post-shooting criticism of a paralyzed Congress and a powerful gun lobby.

But as of last night, after the primary shooter was identified as a 28-year-old US citizen of Pakistani descent, also described by authorities as a devout Muslim, the reaction focused on extremist terrorism, which immediately complicated political narratives of nearly every stripe.

The nearly 2,000 comments on attached to the main news story on yesterday’s shooting were overwhelmingly calling for more gun control and in some cases outright repeal of the Second Amendment.

But California already has this law on its books:

Illegal to possess, import, or purchase assault weapons and .50 BMG rifles, unless such weapons were acquired by the owner prior to June 1, 1989. While California’s Assault Weapons Ban does allow individuals to obtain, transport or possess banned weapons with permission from the DOJ, the DOJ generally does not grant such permission to ordinary citizens.


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