Thursday, May 16, 2024
Amid Cold War-Style Tensions, Readers Convey As Much Suspicion of US as of Putin

WASHINGTON, D.C. Oct. 26 (DPI) – News that Russian submarines are eyeballing internet cables on the ocean floor was met with snickers from many readers, who – to a surprising degree – dismissed any Russian threat as fearmongering propaganda by the US.

“I smell a request for more military spending,” wrote one poster, whose comment was the second most popular (219 recommendations) as of this afternoon.

The most popular post accused the NYT of doing the bidding of the US military industrial complex:

Here goes the NYT again. Dealing in Russian Derangement Syndrome (RDS) once again as a proxy for the national security military industrial complex. This article appears just as the Congress is considering legislation to increase military spending. Coincidence?
Since we can hack into Russian communications anywhere anytime in the world, we should assume that the Russians can do the same to us, shouldn’t we? Lord knows what our submarines are doing as we surround Russia daily.
This is all part of the NYT doing the bidding of the national security military industrial complex to reignite the Cold War, just in case the war in Foreverstan should diminish. That is an unlikely possibility, of course, but the NYT wants to make sure that there are plenty of reasons for Americans to live in fear.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the NYT could return to being independent again as it once was?

Two other most popular posts:

What a coincidence! Just when we were thinking about reducing spending on battleships and destroyers that so many experts have told us are no longer necessary and not how we fight wars anymore, the pentagon starts sounding warning sirens and telling us about a new threat. Looks like our roads, infrastructure, veterans benefits, schools, healthcare, and investment in alternative energy sources will have to wait. Defense spending wins again.

This sounds like warmongering and our own war propaganda. The Russians are coming! And I’d rather that Putin reads my emails than my own government.

The origin of comments of course can almost never be traced, but it seems doubtful that the Russian government, broke and isolated, is committing vast resources to paid posters on western news sites – although that can’t be ruled out, either. Still, Russia has been expanding its military footprint in recent years, alarming Washington and the Pentagon.


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