Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Unemployment Drops, But “Breadwinner Jobs” Smaller Part of Recovery

WASHINGTON, D.C. April 2 (DPI) – The latest job-growth numbers pushed the nation’s unemployment rate to an impressive sounding 5.5%, but the hard-money crowd – utterly out of favor and largely powerless in Washington these days – claims the economy is yielding fewer decent-paying jobs.

Former congressman and OMB Director David Stockman is one of a larger group of conservative economists bemoaning the various failures of this stimulus-driven recovery, which he says has only created a stock-market bubble, no genuine business investment and riskless profits for Wall Street speculators allied with Washington.

Other conservative economists, too, are pointing to a host of indicators that the US economy is stalling, and zero interest rate policies (ZIRP) may no longer have much stimulative impact.

So far, of course, the White House and Washington generally can claim victory on the US recovery. While other parts of the world stagnate economically, the US has shown some growth, even as economists cut their projections. But first quarter growth is now projected around zero.  If Thursday’s jobs number comes in weaker than expected – with other data already showing weakness – there’s a good chance of a sharp selloff in the stock market, more economists are saying.



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